The Shocking Truth About Why Was Jesus Arrested

By Charalampos •  Updated: 04/19/23 •  6 min read

The arrest of Jesus Christ is a pivotal event in Christian history, marking the beginning of his passion and ultimately leading to his crucifixion. But why was Jesus arrested in the first place?

According to the Bible, Jesus was accused of blasphemy and sedition, two serious crimes in the eyes of the Jewish leaders and Roman authorities. 

In this article, we’ll explore the historical and religious context surrounding Jesus’ arrest and examine the events that led up to his trial and execution.

The Events Leading Up to Jesus’ Arrest

Jesus performing miracles

According to the Bible, Jesus was arrested and eventually sentenced to death by crucifixion.

The events which happened before Jesus’ arrest began in Jerusalem during the week of Passover. Jesus had been preaching and teaching in the city, drawing large crowds of people who were fascinated by His teachings and miracles.

However, His teachings were controversial for some Jews and challenged the religious and political authorities of Judea.

We also know that before the arrest Jesus had a meal with his disciples that is now known as the Last Supper

At this meal, He predicted that one of His disciples would betray Him and that He would be arrested and executed. He also instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist, which is still practiced in the Church today.

The Place of The Arrest

After the Last Supper, Jesus and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.

It was here that Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples, betrayed Him by identifying Jesus with the Roman soldiers who had come to arrest him.

The Details of The Arrest

Judas betrayed jesus for 30 pieces of silver

The arrest of Jesus is recorded in the four Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The details of the arrest show us more truth about kindness and humility.

Judas Iscariot led a group of soldiers and officials to the garden to arrest Jesus. Judas identified Jesus by giving him a kiss on the cheek, and the soldiers arrested him.

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus identified himself to the soldiers by saying “I am he,” and the soldiers fell to the ground. It shows that even all warriors could feel that Jesus is the Lord. Jesus then allowed himself to be arrested.

However, before the arrest, one more event happened. The Gospels describe a brief scuffle between Jesus’ disciples and the soldiers, during which one of the disciples cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Jesus rebuked the disciple and healed the servant’s ear. 

He asked His disciples not to show any aggression because it would hurt their souls. It shows how much big love the Lord has, that even during His arrest He remains peaceful and asks others for peace

The Reasons Why Jesus Was Arrested

Jesus crusified and arrested

There were a few reasons why Jesus was arrested by Roman authorities. The first was that His teachings and actions challenged the religious authorities.

Jesus’ teachings were seen as radical and threatening to the Jewish religious leaders since the Jewish authorities were outraged by the words of Christ because of his teachings about himself as the Son of God and the Messiah, which caused strong discontent among Jewish religious leaders.

They were also outraged by the fact that Christ criticized the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. He taught that true service to God should be in the heart, not just in the formal observance of the law.

Additionally, Jesus’ actions were seen as a threat to the political authorities of the time. The Roman Empire ruled over Jerusalem at the time, and any hint of rebellion or dissent wasn’t tolerated.

Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of God were seen as a threat to Roman authority, and His popularity among the people made Him a potential leader of a rebellion.

What Happened After The Arrest?

After the arrest, Jesus was taken to the high priest’s house for questioning and then to the house of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea.

The Jewish religious leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy and urged Pilate to have him executed.

Pilate initially tried to release Jesus, because he knew that Jesus was innocent, but the crowd demanded that Jesus would be crucified. Pilate eventually gave in to the crowd’s demands and sentenced Jesus to death.


As a result, Christ was accused of various crimes before Jewish and Roman authorities.

Before Jewish authorities, He was accused of blasphemy and rebellion against Roman rule, while before Roman authorities, He was accused of leading a sect, refusing to pay taxes, and claiming to be a king. All these accusations were false, but the crowd wished to see the death of Jesus. 

Meaning of Jesus’ Arrest

Jesus Arrest from guards

The arrest was a necessary part of God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. The execution of Christ was predicted in the Old Testament, and by His death and then resurrection, Christ defeated physical death.

The Church sees Jesus’ arrest as an example of the persecution that believers may face for their faith. Jesus’ willingness to suffer and die for his beliefs is seen as a model of Christian behavior.

His resurrection which happened after the crucifixion is seen as a symbol of the victory of faith over persecution.

Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of the World

The arrest of Jesus shows an example of the conflict between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world. The authorities couldn’t understand the truth which was said by Jesus.

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that is not of this world, and believers are called to live in this world but not be of it.

Earthly authorities can often make injustice, while the Kingdom of God is just, that’s why all Christians should dedicate their lives to the spiritual kingdom. 

Final Thoughts

It can be concluded that the arrest of Christ is an important event in the Bible. We understand that this event was inevitable because of human depravity, because of which Judas betrayed Christ, and the authorities couldn’t understand the truth that He preached.

As a result, He was tried on false charges, for example, for being called a king, for blaspheming, and for not paying taxes, though there is a part in the Bible where Christ says to pay tax to His apostle.

Now we know that Christ was wrongfully and unjustly condemned, because of which He suffered on the cross and as a result defeated death.

The events leading up to Jesus’ arrest, including the Last Supper and his betrayal by Judas, are also significant for Christian theology: because of the Last Supper we have Eucharist, and Judas’ betrayal is seen as a symbol of the role that sin plays in human life, and as a reminder for us that even those people who are closest to Jesus may betray him.


Charalampos is an Orthodox Christian who wants to help others learn about Christianity. His main goal is to help people understand the Bible and how to apply its teachings in their everyday lives. He also enjoys spending time with his family, playing sports, and hiking.

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